Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Brody Hormes
3 Banana Avenue
Guam, United States of America
H1 M0M

February 30, 2014

Inspector Clouseau
Chief of Police
123 Rue Justice
Paris, France
1A2 R3T

Dear Inspector Clouseau:
I assure you the choice to save the Mona Lisa instead of Ava Artlover was not an easy one. After meeting Ava Artlover I discovered she was a sweet old lady who did not deserve to perish in a fire. However, after seeing the Mona Lisa I discovered that it was a timeless piece of art that had to live on. The Mona Lisa is the most renowned painting that has ever been skilfully brushed upon a canvas and it would be a crime to take away the pleasure of viewing the original copy from millions of people worldwide.

Ms. Artlover was 92 years old and she requried a motorized wheel chair to move. I can't put a price on a human's life but I can find a price for the Mona Lisa and it is around 780 million dollars. Now I can assume that Ava, as an avid art enthusiast, would not price her fragile life at more than 780 million dollars. Therefore, in a economic view I made the correct decision.

I want to remind you that my choice was rushed. As I saw the flames dancing on the walls and leaning around the corner I could feel them staring at our trio. I heard the whirr of Ava's wheel chairs engine so I instinctively hopped the velvet rope and grabbed the Mona Lisa. My thoughts were hoping that Ava could make it to the potentially operating elevator and as I galloped up the stairs, Mona Lisa in hand. Unfortunately, due to safety hazards, the Louvre's elevators had an automatic self-shut down system when it's fire alarms went off.


Brody Hormes

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