Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Every Scar is a Story

One more chop and surely he'll get through this log... Thud... Thud... Thud. Okay, this time he will raise the hatchet above his head and bring it down hard! Oops, that was his toe. He's young, spontaneous and as prone to accidents as they come. Brody Hormes has so many scars on his body that some people think that scarring himself is just another one of his pass times, heck, he has more scars than he does finger tips.When Brody isn't outside near the wood pile, swinging a hatchet into his toe, he is probably indoors where he stands a much better chance at not having to visit the hospital. However, his whole life isn't just a big injury, he does his homework like a little Mormon boy reads his Book of Mormon and plays video games religously. Despite not being able to perform in Soccer, even by his low standards, he has played the game since age 6. He can ski any run at Apex and he can even do monsterous 180's off of small jumps. Brody prides himself in his school marks but he can't face the fact that he is probably addicted to his computer.

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